
Kiang Gallery, Atlanta Georgia

InSignificance explores the hidden perils found in the air we breathe: microscopic irritants like pollen, particulate carbon pollutants, mold spores and air-borne viruses. We have little choice- we must breathe the air that surrounds us, in our community and household. Depending on our situation we can be unknowing victims of the air we breathe.

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Cross Pollination

100 individual porcelain wall sculptures, sized 3 to 6 inches, arranged as a cloud expanding on the wall. Each one references specific pollen molecules and their spiked structures, making them respiratory and allergy irritants.

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Pledge of Iniquity

45 Particulate Carbon molecules, suspended as clouds in the center of the room and located in the breathing zone of roughly 7 to 4 feet up from the ground. Each black porcelain form measures between 3-8 inches. As gallery visitors move around the piece, the molecules drift and sway in the wake.

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A collaboration with environmental artist Pandra Williams. The centerpiece is an orange slime mold form, surrounded by its offspring of air borne spores as they emerge and spread.

Respiro Nell ‘Aria

Respiro Nell’Aria

Translation: I Breathe in the Air.

A wall grouping of 27 slip cast porcelain forms that reference deadly viruses, spread through physical contact and air:

SARS, common flu, Pertussis, Marburg Virus, Ebola, etc.

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Respiro Nell ‘Aria is all slip-cast translucent porcelain, fired to cone 6 in oxidation. Mounted on the wall, each measures between 3 to 8 inches.

Please email with inquiries for purchase.